Independence and support film page

Reasonable adjustments for autistic patients

Short film made for North East & Cumbria Learning Disability Network for the 2022 LeDeR Learning and Sharing Event

This short music video is around reasonable adjustments for autistic patients

Choice and control  

People with learning disabilities and autism speak up about who makes choices in their life

Person centred care and support 

The importance of effective person centred support to help people choose where they want to live and who they want to live with 

A meaningful life 
An insight into what it feels like to be a person with a learning disability 'stuck at home'

She's a lovely girl 

A music video about the barriers to socialising that some people with learning disabilities and autism face

Don't judge me!

A song about equality, inclusion, and being supported to lead an independent life  

Standing Out From The Crowd! 

People with learning disabilities and autism celebrate what makes them who they are 

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