Alex Tate's Profile

Photo of Alex - long dark hair and wearing a blue jumper.

Alex Tate

Name: Alex Tate 

Job Role: Inclusive Employment and Business Development Officer


Work History: I lead on fundraising activity and support with other areas of income generation. I also manage the Twisting Ducks employability programme, creating pathways to paid work for our target beneficiaries. I have over 14 years experience in the North East voluntary sector where I have worked directly with adults with learning disabilities and autistic people and designed and delivered community based projects. 


Personal Statement: I am proud to have worked for The Twisting Ducks since its inception in 2007. I share the organisation's passion for giving a voice to people with learning disabilities and autism through the arts, and never fail to be inspired by the work that their artists produce. 


Telephone: 07889 597751

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