Ruby Taylor - profile

Ruby Taylor

Photo of Cat, who has long dark hair and is wearing an orange top.

Name: Ruby Taylor


Job role: Drama Worker


Work history:  I am passionate about working with communities and making theatre accessible to everyone. Much of my experience comes from creative writing facilitation with young people. I have been a facilitating story-based events with children in Newcastle since April 2022. I have volunteered in schools with young people with learning disabilities working with creative learning and forest schools. I am currently studying for an English Literature with Creative Writing BA at Newcastle University, specialising in playwriting.


Personal statement: I started working with The Twisting Ducks as a cover Drama Worker in September 2022, but in March 2023 I began working permanently with the Theatre Royal Academy. It is a dream job to be working here, and has been such a great experience seeing the amazing work the participants and staff create together. I am fairly new to drama work as a career, but since being with The Twisting Ducks I see it as something I want to do for a long time! 




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