Hannah's profile

Hannah Eldridge

Photo of Cat, who has long dark hair and is wearing an orange top.

 Name: Hannah Eldridge


Job role: Drama Worker


Work history: Since graduating from my BA in Theatre and Performance from Northumbria University I have worked as a drama worker, facilitator and volunteer for arts and performance charities in the North East. I have worked with a number of different groups supporting older people in exploring dance/movement techniques to improve their fitness and limit isolation. I have been supporting the Twisting Ducks as a cover Drama Worker since February 2023 and am delighted to be taking on the role permanently.


Personal statement: My time with the Twisting Ducks had been an amazing experience and consistently rewarding. My main role is as a Drama Worker with the Sunderland Platforms Group and the Theatre Royal Academy. Within both groups I look to support the participants in exploring their own creativity, expand their performance skills and become confident performers. I have learned a lot working with the Twisting Ducks so far and I would encourage anyone to come and see the wonderful works the groups create!

Email: hannah@thetwistingducks.co.uk

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